Our Mission
To inspire leaders to take action
so that everyone can achieve success.

Our Story
Our mission is also referred to as a why statement or statement of purpose. A why statement is the purpose, cause or belief that drives every one of us. This is the core of the company and the reason that Keyboard Logic exists today.
The mission is composed of two main parts:
​The goal to be achieved, as an action phrase.
To inspire leaders to take action -
The outcome or result to be achieved.
so that everyone can achieve success.
The goal in our mission is intentionally vague and unachievable. By setting an unattainable goal we ensure the company is on an infinite journey as a participant in The Infinite Game of business. As a company our goal inspires us to become better leaders and find new ways to promote leadership and growth with our employees, partners, and customers. Our aim is to inspire leaders to step forward within their companies and push for the changes that will benefit everyone.
The outcome of our mission is the reason our goal is so important to us. Regardless of how each of us defines success, we all want to achieve success. By adopting the principles of Leaders Eat Last our company creates a safe space for individuals to grow. Our belief is providing the right leadership will allow more individuals to achieve success and consequently lead to the success of a team and the success of the business.
What is a leader? In most companies a manager is mistaken for a leader. It is possible for a manager to be a leader, but it is not required. This is one of the key changes we want to inspire in how businesses operate today. Make it a requirement for managers to be leaders and not just the individual responsible for controlling or administering all or part of an organization. When a individual is given the power over others it is their responsibility to ensure the success of those under their charge.
Our company uses agile leadership, more precisely servant leadership, to ensure the success of employees, teams, projects, and customers. Servant leadership is a leadership approach that puts serving others above all other priorities. Rather than managing for results, a servant leader focuses on creating an environment in which their team can thrive and get their highest-impact work done.


For us, growth is the ongoing process of improvement. This encompasses all aspects of growth, from personal growth to corporate growth. As a company we focus on the growth of the individual to support the growth of the team and the growth of the company.
A natural part of growth is to make mistakes, to fail, and try again. Our company uses failure to mold the next attempt and move forward. Each failure presents an opportunity to learn and to grow. We focus on what can be learned from our failures and how to move forward. This mindset encourages each of us to take action and know we don't have to be perfect and we can make mistakes, we are only human.